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Sommerville Disability Support Services are an organization providing support for children and young adults with disabilities and their families throughout the region, which includeds Wanganui City,...
Toucan Taranaki support people with disabilities.   Transition Coordinator: Andrea Fraser     E:...
The Ministry of Health website provides the latest updates, health information and advice on Covid19. For vaccine information and statistics, please visit COVID-19 vaccines | Ministry of Health NZ For...
Accessible Travel Forum is a private facebook group for asking questions about Accessible Travel in New Zealand. The group provides useful information on venues and facilities all over NZ, including...
Enliven services are for people of all backgrounds, cultures and religious beliefs. There are different types of Enliven services available. Within these services support is tailored to the person’s...
Visionwest Community Trust is building hope together through a holistic model of social services to achieve their vision of transformed lives and healthy communities. Visionwest Waka Whakakitenga...
Access Community Health is a leading provider of home based healthcare and support. Their nationwide teams of over 4,000 support workers and registered nurses support people to remain active, safe...
Te Roopu Taurima is the largest health and disability kaupapa Māori service provider that supports people of all ethnicities with intellectual impairments, servicing Te Tai Tokerau, Tāmaki Makaurau,...
The Rotary Foundation offers grants that support a wide variety of projects, scholarships, and training that Rotary members are doing around the world. Explore the grant types and find one that's...
Work & Income NZ are here to help you financially if you're on a low income or not working, support you into work, and help you with housing. Their support services include: Job Seeker Supported...
Lifewise NZ is an Auckland-based community social development organisation, here to help people living with hardship have better opportunities and futures. Their services include: Family Services...
A respite option is any support or service that helps you to have a break from caring for a person with a disability. To access respite supports and services talk to your local Needs Assessment...

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