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Life Education is a charity that works in schools to educate and inspire children and young people to make positive choices. They provide programmes focused around health and wellbeing, delivered...
You can order birth, death, marriage, civil union and name change certificates online. All standard certificates cost...
CADS runs a number of free educational and therapeutic groups for people who may have issues with alcohol and drugs or have family and friends who are affected. They can also help with: Individual...
The Personal Advocacy and Safeguarding Adults Trust provides a range of safeguarding services and supports. These include Supported Decision Making support and training, short term...
AGS (Adult Guardianship Services) aims to serve and support the population of New Zealanders aged 18 years and over (and their natural supports) with services that raise the voice of people who...
If someone is unable to fully manage their property and financial affairs, a property manager can be appointed to look after these things. If the person’s income or benefit is less than $20,000 a...
If someone needs help making decisions for themselves about their personal care and welfare, the Family Court can appoint a welfare guardian for them. For the court to do this, it must mean the court...
Business.govt.nz makes business easier with tools and advice from across government to save you time and help make your business a success. They do this by packaging content and advice from across...
The Federation is the hub for its network of Centres throughout New Zealand. We are the place to go for disability, health and community...
Paerangi is an accessible resource to find information and support services in Tāmaki Makaurau. Their services include: Hauora Health Services Mental Health & Addiction Services Kai & Food...
The Community Cultural Support team at Spectrum Care provides advisory services to New Zealander’s of all cultural backgrounds and ethnicities, with specialist teams supporting the needs of Māori,...
Auckland DHB offers cultural information and support for Maori & Pasifika patients and whanau, through their Maori Health Services and Pasifika Health Services....

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