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Grab Your Wheels is the place to go for tips, accommodation reviews, activities,  accessible walks and events.  The family of five behind this blog even go to the point of carrying a tape measure to...
This one-of-a-kind employment service connects motivated access citizens with outstanding job opportunities throughout New Zealand. Tertiary Internship Programme Be. Lab's Tertiary Internship...
Project Employ helps young people with intellectual disabilities or learning differences find and retain meaningful, paid employment by providing employability and life skills training in a...
STAR (Secondary Tertiary Alignment Resource) programmes are for Year 11 to 13 learners who want to explore tertiary study while still at school. Many tertiary education providers such as polytechnics...
Gateway programmes are for Year 11 to 13 learners who want to explore job options while studying towards NCEA. In a 12-month Gateway programme you: are enrolled at school study for NCEA Levels 1 to...
Canterbury DHB Project SEARCH is a business led internship for high school leavers aged 18 to 21 years old who have learning disabilities, and who want to enter the workforce. The total immersion one...
Employment Service in Schools is for secondary school students who have a disability or health condition, including mental health condition or neurodiversity. This pilot service helps the students,...
Would you like to do an apprenticeship? You will find a directory of New Zealand registered industry training organisations (ITOs) on the Tertiary Education Commission...
Would you like to become a Computer Engineer or Software Developer? Techtorium offers a wide range of IT Courses across the Computer Engineering and Software Development pathways. Their...
The University of Auckland offers courses in: Arts Business Creative Arts and Industries Education and Social Work Engineering Law Medical and Health Sciences Science Campuses are located in...
The Student Disability Service offers a range of services to make studying at the University an accessible and positive experience. A range of support is available for students with disabilities at...
Massey's colleges offer courses in more than 40 academic subject areas, by distance and at our three campuses in the North Island of New Zealand. Massey University's teaching and research departments...

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