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Mental Health

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Eastern Institute of Technology (EIT)   FREE | NZ Certificate in Skills for Living (with a strand in Skills for Working) (Level 1)   Become more independent in your community Develop and...
Community Law Canterbury is a not-for-profit organisation that works to reduce and remove barriers to the law. They provide accessible, quality legal help to people in Canterbury and the West Coast,...
The Beneficiary Advisory Service is a charity that was incorporated in 1995 to develop projects that come out of and meet the needs of low-income people. Their only objective is the well-being of low...
Poutini Waiora is a Māori Health and Social Service Provider who deliver whānau ora services across Te Tai O Poutini (West Coast). Services: Māori Health Kaiāwhina - support accessing primary...
Poutini Waiora is a Māori Health and Social Service Provider who deliver whānau ora services across Te Tai O Poutini (West Coast). Services: Māori Health Kaiāwhina - support accessing primary...
Community Law Canterbury is a not-for-profit organisation that works to reduce and remove barriers to the law. They provide accessible, quality legal help to people in Canterbury and the West Coast,...
A Supported Life offers adolescents and adults with learning disabilities a wide range of support opportunities and residential options in their community. A Supported Life is a niche provider...
My Life My Voice was formed in 2020 with the goal of connecting disabled people with their community and helping them find support for themselves. With approximately 80% of staff and all governing...
Earth Gardens MENTAL HEALTH & ADDICTIONS SERVICE Earth Gardens was established in 1985 to provide a flexible, supportive and therapeutic working environment for people living with mental...
Parent to Parent empowers families and whānau of people with disabilities and health impairments through support and information. How they can help: Support Parent Network Trained Support Parent...
LifeLinks is contracted by the Whaikaha-Ministry of Disabled People to facilitate Disability Support Services for people aged between 0-65 years who have an intellectual, physical, sensory or...
Identity Tours is a tour and travel specialist that works with those who are physically and intellectually challenged. They provide tours departing from Auckland, Christchurch, Wellington and Dunedin....

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