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Muscular Dystrophy

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Volunteer Wellington connects and strengthens the community and voluntary sector through volunteer engagement, professional development, networking opportunities, support and mentoring services. They...
The TalkLink Trust has been operating since 1991. The team are passionate about breaking down the barriers to communication and participation. They do this by providing Assistive Technology tools and...
NZMA's goal is to help every single student learn to move ahead. They have smaller classes, which gives you more one-on-one time with your tutor - and more chance to get to know your classmates. And...
Te Amaru—Disability Services at Victoria University of Wellington is a leading provider of disability advice, expertise and support. They work in partnership with staff, students and the disability...
Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington is one of New Zealand’s oldest and most prestigious tertiary institutions with a proud tradition of academic excellence. Faculties of the...
RDA improves health and wellbeing outcomes for people experiencing disability, or who have specific challenges or needs.  Therapeutic Horse Riding is a proven therapy that develops, improves and/or...
Sense Rugby is an Occupational Therapy led rugby program designed to help tamariki and rangatahi who usually find it difficult to be part of a sports team. Sense Rugby NZ was established in July 2020...
Choices NZ are a disability support agency that works with people with disability and health barriers to help them gain opportunities and confidence in areas they want to grow. They can assist and...
Silver Noodle Soup (SNS) is a Wellington based theatre and film making non profit organisation where young disabled people are fully included in the leadership & direction of all aspects of...
Whitford Brown Community Trust is a charitable trust that provides Community Participation and Inclusion services as well as Transition Services for people with a disability. Their prime purpose is to...
The Shed Project Kāpiti is an organisation based in Paraparaumu, on the Kāpiti Coast. They've been involved in providing training and employment opportunities for local disabled and disadvantaged...
Spectrum Care believes every person with a disability deserves a life of choice, freedom and independence. They help identify the unique potential in every one of the people they support, then lend a...

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