We provide a range of FREE support services for people with cancer and their family/caregivers. We help get people through their cancer diagnosis.
- A listening ear for patients, caregivers, whānau and family members
- Transport – including three times a week shuttle service to Palmerston North for treatment and volunteer drivers within Hawke’s Bay
- Living With and Beyond Cancer - free monthly workshops for adults with cancer and their supporters, run by experienced Cancer Society staff
- Support groups (Wairoa, Hastings, Central Hawke’s Bay)
- Support volunteer training
- One-on-one support, patient advocacy & advice
- Emergency financial assistance via grants
- Complementary therapy – oncology massage, reiki
- Counselling
We encourage people to live a healthier lifestyle to reduce their personal risk of cancer. We do this through effective health promotion - education, advocacy, policy and communication on the following topics:
- Tobacco control
- Skin cancer prevention including SunSmart schools accreditation programme and sun protection equipment loan for summer events
- Nutrition and physical activity
- Screening and early detection
- Men's health