Habit Health support people in their communities to optimise health and live their best lives.
Through their employment and career services, they offer:
- Job Search Service: A team of vocational consultants and careers advisors who can help you get into the workforce.
- Employment Service in Schools: A programme which assists students in their final two years at school and who are neurodivergent or have a disability, health condition or mental health condition that is a barrier to employment to gain pre-employment skills, work experience and employment.
Through their gain independence services, they offer:
- Housing Assessments: An occupational therapist can assess your home to pinpoint whether any alterations are required, arrange for the installation of mobility equipment and connect you to appropriate agencies to secure funding.
- Rehabilitation at Home: A physiotherapist can visit you at home and provide you with a personalised exercise programme and the required equipment to help you rebuild strength. A registered nurse can assist with wound care, changing dressings and personal grooming.
- Best Wheelchair for You: An occupational therapist can advise on which type of wheelchair will best suit your lifestyle and physical capabilities. Physiotherapists can assist with taking care of your body when you use a chair.
- Vehicle Assessments: Habit Health can advise what modifications are required to your vehicle to enable you to drive or travel as a passenger.
- Speech Language Therapy: Speech Language Therapists can help you to communicate effectively and swallow safely.