I. Lead's ultimate goal is to create a comprehensive support platform for disabled youth. They strive to enable the youths to lead a meaningful and fulfilling lives while advocating for positive change in society.

I.Lead is a youth movement driven by disabled individuals for youths. Their mission is to elevate the voices of young people with disabilities on all platforms and in every setting.

I.Lead originated in 2019 as the inaugural Disabled Youth Conference, making history as the first - ever event of its kind held in the Parliamentary Building in Wellington. Since that momentous beginning, it has transformed into a comprehensive social change movement with a dual mission:

  • to empower and amplify the voices of young disabled youth,
  • while also providing them with personal and professional development opportunities to equip them to inspire and support their peers in similar ways.


In addition to hosting bi-annual conferences, they offer workshops and opportunities for young people. These initiatives aim not only to empower their voices but also to equip them with valuable skills in areas such as networking and communication. These skills prepare them for potential employment, whether within their organization, assisting in the management of our numerous workshops and projects, or in pursuing their own areas of interest.


If you are between the ages of 16 - 30, have a disability, are based in Dunedin and are passionate about social justice and advocacy, come and join the I. Lead's Dunedin Commitee.

Region: Otago


Monday : 8.30 AM - 4.30 PM

Tuesday : 8.30 AM - 4.30 PM

Wednesday : 8.30 AM - 4.30 PM

Thursday : 8.30 AM - 4.30 PM

Friday : Closed

Saturday : Closed

Sunday : Closed

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Your feedback and contribution is important to us. Tell us how we can improve the Future Ready website for you.