One2One Aotearoa Waihō mā tō ahurei hei arahi te mahi

One2One Aotearoa is a newly established provider of individualised and flexible supports to people with disability (tāngata whaikaha) and their family/whānau in MidCentral DHB region. The MidCentral region covers the city of Palmerston North, the districts of Horowhenua, Manawatu and Tararua, and the Otaki ward of the Kapiti Coast District. One2One will support people with all types of disability to remain living in their family/whānau home, live with a host family or move into their own home in the community. One2One does not provide any group home, day centre or other congregate care services.

One2One is committed to work in partnership with each person with disability to plan and receive supports that meet their individual needs and preferences from people that they choose and trust.

People with disability who are allocated personal budget funding through the Disability Transformation System or other sources have a wide range of options as to how they use their funds and how their supports are provided to them.

The individualised arrangements that are most commonly used by people who have control over their own personal budgets are described in the website to help people determine what arrangement might best work for them. What connects all of these arrangements is that the person is always in control of:

  • the supports they receive,
  • when, where and how they receive those supports, and
  • who provides those supports.


Naturally, people are free to choose any mix of arrangements that better suits them at any time they wish – and are free to change their minds at any time.



Business Hours

Monday - Friday: 9am to 5pm

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Your feedback and contribution is important to us. Tell us how we can improve the Future Ready website for you.