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The New Zealand Foundation for Conductive Education (NZFCE) is the national body that supports Conductive Education in NZ. The purposes of the Foundation are: To promote and raise the profile of...
Living Life to the Fullest The Donaldson Residential Trust is a community-based residential service for adults with intellectual disabilities. They aim to provide the best opportunities for...
Eastern Institute of Technology (EIT)   FREE | NZ Certificate in Skills for Living (with a strand in Skills for Working) (Level 1)   Become more independent in your community Develop and...
The Beneficiary Advisory Service is a charity that was incorporated in 1995 to develop projects that come out of and meet the needs of low-income people. Their only objective is the well-being of low...
Poutini Waiora is a Māori Health and Social Service Provider who deliver whānau ora services across Te Tai O Poutini (West Coast). Services: Māori Health Kaiāwhina - support accessing primary...
Poutini Waiora is a Māori Health and Social Service Provider who deliver whānau ora services across Te Tai O Poutini (West Coast). Services: Māori Health Kaiāwhina - support accessing primary...
Brackenridge provides high levels of disability support to people and their families, along with family resilience care and community mentoring to adults and rangatahi in Canterbury. We’re a...
About Fidget Kids NZ Fidget Kids NZ is a family owned and operated online business located right here in Taranaki, New Zealand. We stock predominantly Fidget and Sensory Toys for assisting in...
Crohns and Colitis New Zealand is a charitable trust which aims to provide support, advice, resources and information about Crohn's disease and Ulcerative Colitis. They run support groups, and...
The Personal Advocacy and Safeguarding Adults Trust provides a range of safeguarding services and supports. These include Supported Decision Making support and training, short term...
Music therapy is the planned use of music to assist in the healing and growth of people with emotional, intellectual, physical or social challenges. Music therapy at Raukatauri is delivered by our...
Disability Sport and Recreation Hawke’s Bay aims to enhance the lives of physically disabled people through sport and recreation. Disability Sport & Recreation Hawke's Bay PARTICIPATION...

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