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Disability Funding Support NZ is a private Facebook-based support group that offers peer support for whanau around support funding for disabilities in NZ, including  IEF, EF, carer support and...
Rett New Zealand is a registered charity and informal support group providing advice for families and therapists dealing with the complex symptoms of Rett Syndrome. They strive to share the love,...
Free education for adults Build confidence and learn new skills! ‍ Literacy Aotearoa offers free classes across Aotearoa New Zealand, with supportive tutors, small groups and a positive learning...
Prader-Willi Syndrome Association New Zealand is a registered charity, and a parent support network that aims to enhance the lives of those with Prader-Willi syndrome in New Zealand by providing...
Rare Disorders New Zealand is a registered charity that advocates for those with rare disorders, aiming to improve health and well-being for all people living with a rare disorder. There are upwards...
The New Zealand Down Syndrome Association (NZSDA) has set itself the mission to Support, inform and advocate alongside people with Down syndrome, families, whānau and professionals. Services:...
Kāpō Māori Aotearoa (KMA) is the oldest and only national tāngata kāpō Māori (Māori blind, low vision and deaf blind) and tāngata whaikaha Māori (Māori disabled) led organisation in...
Your Way l Kia Roha is a charitable trust offering information, support, and equipment to enable disabled people to thrive and live the lives they choose in their communities. There is no local...
Continence NZ was established to provide a service to people with continence problems, caregivers, health professionals and the general public by providing information and education on continence...
Complex Care Group provides information and support for families and carers who are providing an intensive level of care for a disabled child/young adult,  who also has either multiple disabilities,...
Care Matters is a resource information centre that helps Carers of disabled people. They do this by providing information, resources, and running free workshops at various locations nationwide. The...
Carers NZ acts as the national peak body providing information, advice, learning and support for carers in our network. The primary role of Carers NZ is to ensure awareness about carers, their role,...

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