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Support for Family/Friends

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The New Zealand Foundation for Conductive Education (NZFCE) is the national body that supports Conductive Education in NZ. The purposes of the Foundation are: To promote and raise the profile of...
Arthritis NZ is a national charity that provides information, advice and support to people diagnosed with any of the more than 140 types of arthritis. Services: Advocacy Raise awareness about...
Care on Call provides high quality and personalised home care support services for people of all ages throughout New Zealand.   Services: Home Care tailored to individual needs free in home...
Parent to Parent empowers families and whānau of people with disabilities and health impairments through support and information. How they can help: Support Parent Network Trained Support Parent...
LifeLinks is contracted by the Whaikaha-Ministry of Disabled People to facilitate Disability Support Services for people aged between 0-65 years who have an intellectual, physical, sensory or...
Free call 0800 376 633 - 24/7 Free text 234 - 24/7 Free Webchat with a counsellor online. Youthline is a "with youth, for youth" organisation that supports young people throughout Aotearoa New...
Autism New Zealand provides services and support, education and information on autism for autistic people and family/whānau, caregivers, and professionals who engage with them. Autism New...
Cholmondeley is a children's centre and respite care for tamariki aged 3-12. They provide short-term, planned and emergency respite care, as well as support whānau in the community through its...
The Canterbury Down Syndrome Association (CDSA) is a charity that is affiliated with the New Zealand Down Syndrome Association (NZDSA) CDSA provides support information, events, and links to support...
Brackenridge provides high levels of disability support to people and their families, along with family resilience care and community mentoring to adults and rangatahi in Canterbury. We’re a...
Mirror Services are an Otago healthcare provider. They provide counseling and treatment support for tamariki and their whanau. Programs they offer include, Counseling services, Addiction Services for...
The Otago Multiple Sclerosis Society (MS) is a non-profit entity dedicated to providing assistance to individuals affected by multiple sclerosis and other neurological disorders, as well as their...

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