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Transition Providers

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IDEA Services is New Zealand’s largest provider of services for people with intellectual disabilities. IDEA Services supports adults of all ages with intellectual disabilities to live independently...
The Otago Down Syndrome Association (ODSA) is a family/whanāu support organisation that provides information and support for people with Down syndrome, their families and their carers, as well as...
Community Care Trust are a not-for-profit charitable trust that aims to provide support for youth and adults living with intellectual disabilities and autistic spectrum disorders. They can offer a...
Community Care Trust are a not-for-profit charitable trust that aims to provide support for youth and adults living with intellectual disabilities and autistic spectrum disorders. They can offer a...
Hawkesbury Community Living Trust are a charitable organisation that provides flexible and quality residential/supported living and disability support for Youth and Adults with physical and/or...
Work Opportunities are a community trust based in Dunedin that focuses on promoting employment opportunities for individuals facing mental health conditions and psychiatric disabilities. Their team of...
Cargill Enterprises are a business enterprise that works to supply well-made timber and wood products, as well as services and support. They employ people living with an intellectual disability....
ibd&Me is a website for children and youth with IBD (Irritable Bowel Disease). It is run by Crohn's Colitis NZ, with the aim of supporting you in transitioning through your teenage years, and when...
ReThink Children’s Therapy are a health provider that offer specialised therapy assistance, as well as psychological and social work assessment, diagnosis and treatment for children and young people...
DEAF AOTEAROA PROVIDES A RANGE OF SERVICES FOR THE DEAF COMMUNITY : Hauora: Deaf Aotearoa’s Hauora service is a nationwide service that understands and responds to Deaf and hard-of-hearing...
Geneva Healthcare is New Zealand’s trusted experts in aged care, illness, injury & disability support.  Since 1996, they’ve been supporting New Zealanders to live their best life and thrive...
DEAF AOTEAROA PROVIDES A RANGE OF SERVICES FOR THE DEAF COMMUNITY : Hauora: Deaf Aotearoa’s Hauora service is a nationwide service that understands and responds to Deaf and hard-of-hearing...

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