
If you are interested in continuing to study after school, there are lots of options out there. Here are some ideas you might like to think about and explore further.
- Gateway and STAR are programs you can take at your school, giving you an opportunity for work experience in the field that interests you.
- The organisations that provide education after high school are called tertiary education organisations. They include Universities, the Wananga, Te Pukenga (who provide vocational polytechnic courses and most apprenticeship training all over the country), and private training places.
- Most tertiary education organisations have a service to support people. You can contact them to be connected with this service and find out what support they can provide for you before you decide where to study. It is sometimes called a “student disability service”.
- Contact StudyLink to find out what financial assistance you may be entitled to such as loans or allowances.
- Work and Income (WINZ) may also be able to help you with your financial options.
- Orientation and Pre-Enrolment events are great to attend. During these, you may get to meet tutors, other students, find out about clubs and events and learn more about the learning environment.

Support for Employment
If you want to get employment after you leave school here are the some ideas you might like to think about and explore further.
- Work Bridge can help you find a job and help you develop your CV
- Careers New Zealand provide career advice and services in and out of school (
- Work and Income (WINZ) deliver the program (PATH) Providing Access to Heath Solutions as extra assistance to those that receive a sick benefit
- Contact employment agencies in your area to see what help they can give you to find the right job.
- Gateway Programs can be a useful tool for you while transitioning into the workforce. (
- Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) funds Gateway programs around New Zealand, encouraging employers to support their employees with the right training
- Ministry of Social Development (MSD) funds a range of services for you to gain and maintain employment
- An easy read ‘Employment Agreement’ can be found on the People First New Zealand website which complies with New Zealand employment law (
- New Zealand Disability Support Network (NZDSN) is a peak body with a host of disability support organisations in its membership; a good place to look for providers of a wide variety of disability support services across New Zealand (
Your connections are the best way to getting your first job so ask your family and friends
- More providers and their details for Future Ready website: We are updating these and will be sharing with you when we have them together.

Support and mentoring
Lots of people want you to succeed in your transition journey. There are lots of support platforms that you and your team can access, no matter what you decide to do after school. Below are some ideas about where you can get more help.
School Support | Support they provide |
Government Support | Support they provide |
Community Support | Support they provide |